Monday, July 29, 2013

Dog Dynamicz

I love watching the big dogs and the puppy interact with each other and often find myself amazed.

Now that the big dogs no longer think of Sparky as something foreign and, therefore, to be avoided at all costs they are working out their own pack dynamics.

I would have thought that Kali, being the female would want to do the mothering.  All she does do is allow Sparky to pull on her face and play with him as long as it's on her terms.  Charlie is the disciplinarian and a single harsh bark form him will stop Sparky in his tracks.  In fact, Charlie even play referee when Kali and Sparky are playing.  If Charlie thinks that the puppy is becoming too rambunctious he lets him know with that famous one note bark.  I had always said that Charlie reminded me of Matt Dillon, slow and seemingly none too bright.  It seems as if I was right.  Charlie is the Sheriff.

Yesterday I let all three out on the deck.  Kali was the first one down and disappeared into the bamboo.  Charlie followed while Sparky stayed on the deck, too tired to take those steps.  We heard a little dog bark, answered by an unfamiliar big dog bark.  The barks bounced back and forth like a vocal tennis match and Sparky's head turned right, then left, then right, following the sound till be dog bark changed and Kali came running back to the deck to sit beside Sparky while Charlie defended us all with a volley of bark until the big dog that was barking was silenced.  Then here comes Charlie with his sheriff's badge all polished, returning his six shooter to its holster while Miss Kitty and Festus awaited his return.  (ok so I let my imagination wander a bit there)

Only once Charlie gave the all clear by touching noses, they all went down the steps and off to do whatever they do in the bamboo and overgrown grass.  I have noticed that Sparky takes his cue from Charlie.  I'm hoping he will soon figure out the poop outside thing and the doggy door even if it is only to come into the house.   sparky is growing my leaps and bounds with feet the size of ping pong paddles.  Kali lost that hunted, on the verge of a breakdown look, that she had before I told her she could kick ass and Charlie keeps his badge neatly shined since he is the boss, head honcho, sheriff.

Meanwhile, Sparky aka Badger Boy continues to make us laugh with his unbridled joy in all things.  His latest toy, one he chose himself from a craft room, is a ball of ugly yarn which he has unrolled and, I swear has started macramaing into something outrageous,  He loves his pool and the small fan we leave running just for him and the only down side in his life is that $%#( tail that follows him wherever he goes and is always out of reach.

I love having these goof balls.  I will always miss my dogs that have gone before but these guys help to heal my terribly battered heart. 

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