Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Right now I feel like ripping the face off someone.

I just got off the phone with a client (a man) who was pissing and moaning to me about stuff and wanting to know how much time he had left to stay in his house.  His house was foreclosed upon and part of our business is to assist homeowners afterwards.  So I (important fact) check the court records each week and notify each client as to their status.  When paperwork needs to be sent to the court, I (an important fact to remember) am the one who scrutinizes the filing, finds the errors and then write up letter to be sent.  I even include a copy for their files, typed envelopes and I (still important) even fill out the certified mail cards and send everything to the client.

SO FOR GOD'S SAKE CAN YOU TELL ME WHY THAT WHEN SOMETHING COMES UP THEY CALL MICHAEL?  Who has to look to the work I (really really important) do to give them the answer.  Who has to pull out their paper file while I have the info in my head and on the computer and I can access it so much faster.

Just think that ex slaves earned the right to vote before women and they elected a man to the Presidentcy who never had any governing experience over a slightly batty woman who ruled a whole STATE for crying out loud.  all of these minority groups are crying unfair for being judged by their color or religion and yet how do they treat their women?

I want to rip someone's face off right now.  I am so sick of this crap from men that living in a cave on a mountain side looks good... as long as I can take some craft supplies with me.

I know ranting and raving won't change it but for god's sake give women a chance.  Open your ears and listen to what they are saying and not what yo THINK they are saying.  And don't be so afraid of us simply because we can do twenty things and once while you have your one track mind and usually that's closed for repairs or your train of thought has derailed and spilled slimey stuff all over the tracks.  You know who will get stuck with the mess don't you?  Hand me my bucket and mop momma's going in.

Even my dogs are sexist.  They are all over the men, kissing and loving and hanging out with them but one snap of a firecracker or the sound of a siren and suddenly they are sitting on MY feet.  What?  Hey!  Go find Daddy or Josh.  They ave feet too!


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