Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Mama'z baby

Yesterday was the first day I went back to work after getting Sparky.  All the dogs did fine but I think the baby missed me most because he "dogged" my fotsteps wherever I went.  When I took the dogs out for a bathroom break, Sparky would follow them then dash back to check if I was where he left me and then dashed off again.  Such short legs for so much energy.

When we moved back into the rebuilt house, we chose a glass door for the living room, which gives the dogs a clear view to the street and heaven help you if you walk up or down the street without getting permission from the street monitors first.  They get so fired up, the forget they have a doggy door in the basement.  Instead the glass door is smeared with dog snot, bark breath and who know what all.  Yesterday Sparky joined in the melee, though I doubt whether he knew just what he was barking at or just barking because he could.  Then when I opened the door all three of them tried to get out of the door at the same time and succeeding very badly.  It was like shuffling a deck of dogs:  Charlie's in front, then Kali, Charlie, Charlie, Sparky was crammed in there somewhere.  Finally they managed to burst out of the door but the guy in the street was gone and Sparky really looked quite confused by the whole thing. But he's always ready to join in with bark and running and, of course hopping, he loves to hop my Badger Boy.

I'm ready to head home now.  I need a puppy's tummy to nibble, a big boy's hug to squish me into my mattress and a smart girls head to pat and chest to rub.  Got my work cut out for me.


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