Wednesday, June 6, 2012


We drove by the house today to admire the windows and found the workers scurrying like ants all over the roof... we're getting a new roof as well.... and I was again amazed at the energy these guys were putting into rebuilding my home.

Now just yesterday I mentioned to the builder (who looks about 12) that I don't care WHAT people say about the hispanics/latinos that come to this country but I have found them to be hard workers and am willing to slap anyone who wants to argue with me. These guys are working their asses off. They all greet me with smiles and a murmured hello and go about their jobs. They do actually eat a lunch, we arrived at their lunch time yesterday but took only a half hour before they were at it again. The builder said that he agrees with my assessment and that the young white guys just don't want ot do that hard of a job but his crew take it all on happily. All legal may I say and taxpayers.

So that dragged my thoughtz to other times when I've seen this ethnic type at work. Take a road grew. Say white guys and blacka nd what do you see? All the guys save one are standing around and watching what one guy is doing. Pass a crew of hispanics (what IS the proper title?) and you see all but one guy working and the guy that isn't working is, in a way, because he is holding the flag.

Not all hispanics etc are hard workers just as all whites aren't but this is what I see and I have noticed. .

So since we really don't hav eany money to tip these guys or buy them lunch (there are 8 of them) I told the builder to tell the guys that if there is anything in the dumpster or in the back yard that can be recycled and put some extra money in their pockets they are to take it with our blessings. I know that all of the old window frames are aluminum so that's a start. I also had a sewing machine that came down from the attic that I have never used and don't know what kind of condition its in. That's been sitting on the porch ever since I left it for trash and I guess that the guys didn't want to throw away something good of mine. I told the builder that if any of the guys want it for his wife etc they could have that as will with the understanding that I have no idea of its condition. Not much but my way of saying thank you.

So still talking about the house, I had pulled out of a magazine this interpretation of Russian kitchen cabinets where each panel of each cabinet sports a different tole painting design. I love the look of that so I cut it out and glues it into m y ever handy notebook. So i scurried up to the builder (who doesn't want us to call him Mister) and told him this is what I wanted... ta da! He took one look, gulped then went white beneath his tan till I took pity on him and told him I was kidding. Cabinets with handles are enough for me.

So then I had another thought... aren't you glad you don't live in my head... that we had a sudden infestation of mice in our house right before the fire and were they all roasted meaning the pull apart the insides guys found all of these little micey bodies or did the mice take a lesson from their rat cousins and desert the house al la Pied Piper fashion. Or did they know earlier than we did that the house was burning and were the first to escape, via the way they got INTO the house. I have a picture in my mind of the two cats zooming out of the house in the midst of a mouse stampede. It was a fire... so why are the mice in my head wearing life jackets?

Sometimes my head makes no sense.

So until the next episode.. Stay odd you little nutballs you

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