Friday, December 3, 2010

Do NOT drag me into your disfunction

I got to go out by myself today. That rarely happens and when it does I take advantage of it. I went to my favorite thrift store for stuff and then a number of stops later I found myself in a dollar store.
Do you ever find yourself trapped behind a shopper in a store? No matter how you try to avoid them they always seem right in front of you hogging up the aisle. This time it was a couple and the husband was grumbling about some woman who did something he didn't like. The wife told him that the woman had said excuse me three times but the husband didn't move. Of course, the guy wouldn't admit to being brain dead so he grumbled something about how he should have stayed in the car. The wife told him she wished he had because he had been cussing her out the whole time they were in the store.

Now you have to know that I was minding my own business, waiting for the guy to shift his butt so I could reach the crackers. And these people were speaking loudly.

"Cussin' you out?" the guy said "All I did was call you a bitch."

And thenfor some god unknown reason the fool turned and grinned at me. Oh he was so smug and wanting someone to see how clever he was. So I looked him right in the eys and told him that his mother must be so proud, then I grabbed my crackers and went on my way. He muttered something about how his mother was proud but the wife called his bluff and announced"She told you that time, didn't she?"

Ok. I can be nosy. If you are going to speak loudly, I will evesdrop. I might even start a conversation with you but I REFUSE TO LET YOU DRAG ME INTO YOUR DISFUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR no matter how great you think you are. I battle my own disfunction and have no time to waste on you.

How do these people manage to find me? I must be wearing some kind of sign on my back. Or mayhbe I hsould just find myself a better class of dollar store.

1 comment:

  1. or find different crackers! LOL! I would have loved to have been shopping with you and seen the look on his face!
