Monday, September 17, 2012

Lordy, Lordy, Lordy

I am so tired I could sleep forever and a day.  Rip Van Winkle shove over.

I thought once we were back home thingz would settle down.  Who would have imagined that there would still be so much to do, even without owning practically nothing?  We are slowly making our way to the finish line but it's anyone's guess if I'll be awake to see the finish line.

The furniture rental people are picking up the rental furniture today... nearly now, in fact.
The cleaning service is coming in tomorrow late afternoon to clean.
Big TV and freezer are being delivered tomorrow as well.
Wednesday is walk through of the house we left.

Meanwhile not only do we need drapes but shades on the windows would be nice.  Only I'd be the one stuck putting them up and  I am a wonder with a hammer.  Such as... I wonder why anyone trusted me with a hammer and I wonder if anyone will notice the 45 degree angle and I wonder fi we really need these damned things at all.  Right now I'm using poster board as a rudimentary shutter

I'm waiting on a delivery of furniture from IKEA.  It would be good to have something to put my underwear in other than tote bags from Michaels.  I'm using the one with the zebra print.

We need to go grocery shopping.  We need to put a tv stand together for tomorrows big TV arrival. I need to sort the craft room once I get the furniture... and the husband wants to go away for a few days next week so we can recoup from the move.  WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I want to go away as much as I want my neighbors to see me in the altogether as I climb out of the tub.  I wonder how fast I can clone myself.

Oh and with all of this I need to put in some extra hours at the business to catch up onthe days I missed last week.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the guys are working steadily on the deck and the siding also gets done this week.  I had to make some serious decisions as to where to put the deck steps and where did I want the left over dirt shoveled.  Right now I'm thinking to move the pile out of the drive way but make another pile somewhere and leave it for the dogs because Charlie does so love sitting on it surveying his kingdom.  Inside there are a few things that need to be touched up and that should be that... till the lanscapers come to tackle the bamboo jungle in the backyard.

and  yet


Yes, it's small but it is so clean and uncluttered and it's home.

The dogs are thrilled.  I think Kali grinned for the first week and charlie spends the majority of his time outside. A doggy door will be installed in the basement outside door so the dogs can let themselves in and out to their hearts' content.  Charlie has also spent the past two days barking.  Not at anything in particular but simply because I'm not telling him to shush.  We tried to keep them fairly quiet at the rental and now he can let it rip.  I figure by Thursday he should be all barked out.

I;'ve also managed to put up a few touches to make the place mine.  Wall stickers and this twiny branchy things I found at Michael's for 79cents... original price $7.99.  The branchy things have a new home above the bedroom windows and the decals are in the craft room, kitchen and at the end of the hallway.  That decal was sujpposed to go into the bedroom but I didn't like it there and it looks so much better where it is.  the builder even thought I had painted it there.  Nope wall sticker... on ebay... free shipping under $5.  But my favorite decal is a little blue fairy door ( from wilson graphics on Etsy) that is tucked away at the bottom of a wall, all ready for the fairies, or Borrowers or Gremlins BECAUSE even with the fire home still has its quirky whatevers that love to keep me guessing and fiddle with teh gravity in the craft room.

I have a solar powered dancing hula girl in my garden window.  I have her facing me and she shakes her hips all day long.  When it gets dark, she stops and not even overhead lights can stir her.  So why, for the past three mornings I find her sideways.  (no the remaining cat does not get into that window)  I straighten her out each evening before I go to bed and first thing in the morning there she is, sideways.  Sort of a cosmic gotcha I suppose.  It does, however tell me I am at home.

I did buy a new camera and I will be taking pics but I want to wait till all is settled and I'm no longer hobbling around like a crazy woman.

There is some good to all of this.  I find myself doing a lot less craft shopping.  First of all I got some wonderful craft goodies from friends but now I find myself looking at something that I MIGHT use SOMETIME and say no thanks.  Me!  Me who used to have the girls that came to thehouse to visit my sons SHOP in my craft room is now saying thank you but I do not need more.  Except for Halloween ephemera because I lost my second Halloween glue book in the fire and I want to try and replace it.  But even with that, I think I have enough.  Who woulda thunk it.

So I guess we won't be seeing me on an episode of Hoarders.

And that's it for this episode of... As the Head Whirls. 

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