Monday, July 2, 2012

OK so who curled my hair

Woke up this morning, looked in the mirror, not hard to do because one whole wall in the rental house is mirrored closet doors and found my hair a curly tangled mess. It was the same thing yesterday. I guess when it's hot and I dew (real ladies don't sweat, they dew) copiously my hair
curlz itself.

My hair. For years it didn't seem to grow except for the bang. I would trim the bangs but everything else seemed the status quo. It is now growing and I cannot remember a time when I had so much hair, even tho it hardly reaches my shoulders, and I would like to find the person responsible for those hair clip doobie designs and give them a big fat kiss. Of course, in a pinch I've also used binder clips and toothpicks. All of this hair, for me, makes me too hot especially since we have had no power at the rental house since FRIDAY night and have no idea WHEN we will. I keep going to the BGE (the electric guys) site to check outages and in the rental area those outages are increasing while everywhere else it seems to be decreasing. Figurez.

I must admit that I had a good time watching the neighbors after the storm rushing out with their broom to sweep up leaves and such. No trash other than the stuff that falls off trees or blows through in a storm, no garbage, no random house sitting in the middle of the road waiting for Dorothy to show up.

This has got to be the cleanngest neighborhood I've ever seen. There are neighbors who dust their cars. Others sweep gutters and other others crawl around on their tiny front lawn picking up any stray leaf that dares to invade. First thing in the morning, in a sort of rush as if someone was timing them. I wonder what these people would do if there WAS any real honest to goodness garbage. It was 101 degrees and the guy next door was cleaning his windows!! And the guy across the street showed up with his lawn mower only to realize after trying to start it and scowling at the damned machine even kicking it once before realizing that an electric mower was NO GOOD when the power is OUT!! I waited for him to come out with a pair of scissors to cut the lawn by hand. He didn't.

Then I noticed that little american flags have sprouted beside everyone's steps, with no idea how they got there. When I mentioned it to the old Poop telling him that someone had put out flags for the fourth he asked me what country the flags were for. I told him Romania and walked away. I am certain that there a a fourth of July in Romania just like every other country has a JUly fourth only not in conjunction with Independence day. I wasn't being a smart ass to be mean. I was being a smart ass in an attempt to get this man to hear what I say to him and not what he THINKS I'm saying. The mean part is just the icing.

So that's it from this steaming neck of the woods. Stay cool my friends and send some of it this way.

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