The neighborz at the rental are at it again. Michael skipped a week mowing that postage sized lawn and a complaint was made to the owner of the house. Oh for goodness sakes. Get over it already.
This time an inspection is in the works, which means inside as well as out. Oddly, for me, all I had to do inside was mop the kitchen floor and round up the Charlie tumbleweed of hair that has been growing in size behind the bedroom door. I was leaving it to see just how big it would get. you know the tumbleweed hairball that swallowed the world kind of thing. Maybe I'll just tuck tumbleweed hairball away until AFTER the inspection and it can then go its merry old way sucking up solar systems and anything else that gets too close.
Anyway back to the inspection.
I suck at house work but have been making a concentrated effort not to Graff up this place and suddenly, obviously, I see I'm not doing such a bad job of it. I guess if you don't have a lot of stuff it's much easier to keep the stuff in its place. So I mopped the floor using just vinegar and water and even wiped down the windows to remove dog nose prints. The irony of all of this is that (fingers crossed) we should be out of this place in a month and I am so tempted to save up the dog poo till then and then creep back one night once we are gone and decorate the stepford neighborz lawns with it. I won't do it. who wants to get up in the middle of the night anyway, but it is something to think about. And cackle maniacally.
I certainly couldn't live that way, everything so neat and clean and precise. I mean who goes out and buys pillow just to put them on the chairs on the front porch and the back deck? It makes my head hurt just to think about it.
I will now admit that I was WAAAAAYYYYY too messy back at home but the fire has cured me for that. It'll be rough at first remembering where I put things but we'll get the hang of it. Now they just have to finish the rebuild and we can move. Thank goodness.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
It just keepz dragging on
I swear, this getting back into the house seems to be taking forever even tho it isn't, not really. I guess I'm just too anxious to wait any longer. We have power back, that's a plus but paint takes forever to dry when it's humid and when is it NOT humid in Maryland in the summer?
The grass in the yard gets higher and higher and the dogs are becoming more and more restless. I really have to give the two of them credit. They aren't used to not being able to just run and running up and down the steps just isn't enough. So we take them back to the house so they can run the yard and then visit the neighbors. The other night when I was picking up Josh from work, I took the dogz with me. They were so excited when I invited them, I swear they were vibrating. And even tho it was one mommy and two of them they were so good. I let them run a bit when we picked up Josh but they were happy to go back to the rental and went into the yard without hesitation. I guess it doesn't matter with dogz where they are as long as they are with their people.
Now they haven't been perfect. Who would want a perfect dog? They did shred 7 toiletpaper rolls that were sitting on the floor in the dining room because we all hate going into the back of the cellar. & rolls spread from one end of the first floor to the other. A charmin sort of snow storm. We didn't really yell at them, just told them they shouldn't have done it and they responded with the folded back ears and the big sorrowful eyes. I have found that I do not need to yell at my dogs. The worst scolding for them is fore me to tell them I don't like them right now and then I ignore them. Not for long, how could I ignore them for long, and when I tell them they are forgiven they nearly jump out of their skin with joy.
Kali has taken to given me kisses. Charlie's kissed me from the first day we brought him home but not Kali. She does like her smooched which means I cradle her close and smooch all over her face. Just recently and I do mean recently like last saturday, she gave me a kiss and then tried to mimic Charlie's hugs. A Charlie Hug is a daunting prospect, best accepted without glasses unless you don't mind them mashed into you face. A Charlie hug is basicly when Charlie pushes you over and then rolls all over you, using his silly little girl bark the whole while. Now Kali is doing it, tho she is a bit more delicate than the bruzer boy. Meanwhile Charlie is still shedding and after a number of hugs I am about ready to cough up a hair ball. How can that dog shed so much and not be bald?
There have been sightings of what the neighbors think is Isabella but I haven't seen her. My poor timid little girl. Where my other cat Chloe could handle outside well, Bella never could and rarely went out. I hate thinking of her running wild and only can hope someone is seeing to her.
I finally put in an order to replace my powdered pigments and cannot wait till they come in. I didn't order as much as I lost but probably will eventually.
Other than that... nothing is new and so that's it for this installment of as the head whirlz.
The grass in the yard gets higher and higher and the dogs are becoming more and more restless. I really have to give the two of them credit. They aren't used to not being able to just run and running up and down the steps just isn't enough. So we take them back to the house so they can run the yard and then visit the neighbors. The other night when I was picking up Josh from work, I took the dogz with me. They were so excited when I invited them, I swear they were vibrating. And even tho it was one mommy and two of them they were so good. I let them run a bit when we picked up Josh but they were happy to go back to the rental and went into the yard without hesitation. I guess it doesn't matter with dogz where they are as long as they are with their people.
Now they haven't been perfect. Who would want a perfect dog? They did shred 7 toiletpaper rolls that were sitting on the floor in the dining room because we all hate going into the back of the cellar. & rolls spread from one end of the first floor to the other. A charmin sort of snow storm. We didn't really yell at them, just told them they shouldn't have done it and they responded with the folded back ears and the big sorrowful eyes. I have found that I do not need to yell at my dogs. The worst scolding for them is fore me to tell them I don't like them right now and then I ignore them. Not for long, how could I ignore them for long, and when I tell them they are forgiven they nearly jump out of their skin with joy.
Kali has taken to given me kisses. Charlie's kissed me from the first day we brought him home but not Kali. She does like her smooched which means I cradle her close and smooch all over her face. Just recently and I do mean recently like last saturday, she gave me a kiss and then tried to mimic Charlie's hugs. A Charlie Hug is a daunting prospect, best accepted without glasses unless you don't mind them mashed into you face. A Charlie hug is basicly when Charlie pushes you over and then rolls all over you, using his silly little girl bark the whole while. Now Kali is doing it, tho she is a bit more delicate than the bruzer boy. Meanwhile Charlie is still shedding and after a number of hugs I am about ready to cough up a hair ball. How can that dog shed so much and not be bald?
There have been sightings of what the neighbors think is Isabella but I haven't seen her. My poor timid little girl. Where my other cat Chloe could handle outside well, Bella never could and rarely went out. I hate thinking of her running wild and only can hope someone is seeing to her.
I finally put in an order to replace my powdered pigments and cannot wait till they come in. I didn't order as much as I lost but probably will eventually.
Other than that... nothing is new and so that's it for this installment of as the head whirlz.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
In the merry old land of Oddz---NOT
I am a mess today. So much crap happened yesterday that I don't know how much more I can take before committal is needed.
The worst is that we are going to be investigated by the Justice Department. We obey the law, do everything we can for our clients, go above and beyond but still.. it's terrifying.
I have a mind that runs away with me at the smallest provocation and so this has my brain in a stranglehold.
Then we learned that while we thought we would get the whole amount of our fire claim in one check, we now find out that we have to buy the items we lost whether we want them or not. Now since we were planning on using contents for upgrades about the house and the new roof is already on, I have no idea how we are going to pay for it all.
Now this morning my brain did not have enough fun keeping me tossing and turning all night and giving me the headache from hell but now I thought what if the justice department throws us in jail. I think I have to give in and call my doctor for something to boost my prozac and keep me as close to sane as I can get.
I hate being like this. I hate being a burden. I hate being terrified out of my mind.... I hate... I hate.... I hate.....
Sorry but since I cannot maintain anin person friendship I have no one else to talk to. Thanks for listening.
The worst is that we are going to be investigated by the Justice Department. We obey the law, do everything we can for our clients, go above and beyond but still.. it's terrifying.
I have a mind that runs away with me at the smallest provocation and so this has my brain in a stranglehold.
Then we learned that while we thought we would get the whole amount of our fire claim in one check, we now find out that we have to buy the items we lost whether we want them or not. Now since we were planning on using contents for upgrades about the house and the new roof is already on, I have no idea how we are going to pay for it all.
Now this morning my brain did not have enough fun keeping me tossing and turning all night and giving me the headache from hell but now I thought what if the justice department throws us in jail. I think I have to give in and call my doctor for something to boost my prozac and keep me as close to sane as I can get.
I hate being like this. I hate being a burden. I hate being terrified out of my mind.... I hate... I hate.... I hate.....
Sorry but since I cannot maintain anin person friendship I have no one else to talk to. Thanks for listening.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Waiting for newz
The Independant Insurance Adjusters are meeting with our insurance company today and, fingerz crozzed, we will learn later when we are getting our contents money and how much.
Which brings me to a case of Knotted Ztomach. I can make due with whatever money we are given but what has me frankly scared is telling second son that he may not be getting the $33,000.00 he thought he was getting. This is the son than gave us so much trouble fire night. The one who had referred to me, to his firends, as That Bitch and Her House. It wouldn't be so bad if the old poop aka- huzband- didn't insist on going on a vacation with replacement money. Youngest son will throw a fit. Not that I blame him, but I will be taking the fall out because I am that Bitch with Her House. I also need teeth desperately, I have a hag's mouth, and was hoping that I could get dentures. How we are going to do all of that I do not know.
Now older son, when we hand him his share will look at it and tell me he doesn't need it. As if he doesn't need a bed etc. The old poop tells me not to worry but that is easy to say. He claims that he doesn't worry about anything and he's right. What he doesn't know is that he doesn't worry because it all falls back to me. I have to be the one that knows what to do in an emergency, how much food we have in the house, and how are we going to pay what bill when. It's even my responsibility to let him know where he's going and if he's going in the right direction.
I have not bought any furniture since about 20 years ago so I have no idea how to even go about it. Aarrghhh. Not to mention all the other stuff I need to get as if I was just getting married and had to set up home. Hey I have my craft stuff and my table for the craft room, do I really have to bother with the rest of the house?
So, that's my quandry for today. Seems I have one a day. Maybe I should turn them into a calendar so I could have the pleasure of ripping off and crumpling up my quandry day by day.
Nah... too much work.
Speaking or work.... bye.
Which brings me to a case of Knotted Ztomach. I can make due with whatever money we are given but what has me frankly scared is telling second son that he may not be getting the $33,000.00 he thought he was getting. This is the son than gave us so much trouble fire night. The one who had referred to me, to his firends, as That Bitch and Her House. It wouldn't be so bad if the old poop aka- huzband- didn't insist on going on a vacation with replacement money. Youngest son will throw a fit. Not that I blame him, but I will be taking the fall out because I am that Bitch with Her House. I also need teeth desperately, I have a hag's mouth, and was hoping that I could get dentures. How we are going to do all of that I do not know.
Now older son, when we hand him his share will look at it and tell me he doesn't need it. As if he doesn't need a bed etc. The old poop tells me not to worry but that is easy to say. He claims that he doesn't worry about anything and he's right. What he doesn't know is that he doesn't worry because it all falls back to me. I have to be the one that knows what to do in an emergency, how much food we have in the house, and how are we going to pay what bill when. It's even my responsibility to let him know where he's going and if he's going in the right direction.
I have not bought any furniture since about 20 years ago so I have no idea how to even go about it. Aarrghhh. Not to mention all the other stuff I need to get as if I was just getting married and had to set up home. Hey I have my craft stuff and my table for the craft room, do I really have to bother with the rest of the house?
So, that's my quandry for today. Seems I have one a day. Maybe I should turn them into a calendar so I could have the pleasure of ripping off and crumpling up my quandry day by day.
Nah... too much work.
Speaking or work.... bye.
Monday, July 9, 2012
In the steany land of Oddz
Last week we had a hellacious heat wave right in the middle of a power outage that lasted for days.
At home... my real one... we would lose power if someone sneezed except this time, Elkridge ha the power and the rental neighborhood didn't. No power, no ice, no nothing but enough sweat to fill an ocean. When we did get out the world smelled of sweat and feet and food rapidly rotting in fridges and freezers.
I really didn't mind the heat as much as I minded the fact that I had to go to bed when the sun went down which meant I was up at the butt crack of dawn still steaming.
These new neighborz, the stepford people, grumbled and mumbled and whined. You would have thought that the power company chose them deliberately and not that 600,000 people were out of power. Carmella Drive became Piss and Moan drive. And guess what world.... pissing and moaning do not do a thing toward getting power back on. And when the power guys and the visiting guys from out of state finally got our power back, did the piss and moan neighborz than the guyz? No, they all ran into their house to turn the AC back on. I trudged up the hill, found a clump of power guys and told them I had one thing to say to them and that is... by this time their heads had somewhat turtled into their shoulders waiting for someone else to yell at them. Only I said that I wanted to thank them all for their effort and I wished I could give them all a glass of cold water only I had no ice. Nor could you find ice. Power guys unturtled, grinned and told me I made their day. Then I went into the house and turned on my air conditioner.
With the heat we told the contractor that we didn't expect him to have his guys work when it was so deadly hot. Apparently his customers usually don't do that. and expect the work to continue come hell or high water. The heat supplied the hell, the sweat the high water. Even with that, we have WALLS!!!! And I have my garden window and suddenly the house that seemed so small without walls doesn't seems quite as small. It is a small house but it is my home and even with the trees and the semi cloudy sky the house was still bright inside. Yah... no paneling... sunlight instead. Now we just need the money so we can buy furniture. I really cannot wait to go home. My home.
When we were looking to buy a house and get out of the town house 30 years ago, we pulled into the drive way of waht was to become our home and before we even got out of the real estate guy's car the Old Poop and I looked at each other and said that we were HOME. There was always a sense of the place wrapping its arms around you. As we walked through the house today I I went in each room, greeted it and told it that I was sorry as to what had happened. the house has felt so sad but I swear it perked up a bit.
We had angels in the house, have I told you? There was a corner in the living room where I had displayed a shrine I had made to our guardian angels in a cigar box ans whenever anyone took a photo in the house, orbs appeared but only in that corner, no where else. The shrine was sacrificed to the fire damage but I will be making a new one to invite the angels back. And yes, the are angel orbs and not ghost orbs or spirit orbs. They feel like angels. Angels that saved us all even if we did lose so much.
Is it any wonder I want to crawl back into those comforting home arms? Time has dragged since February 17th and at times I wonder if we will ever get to the day when our home is our home again.
MAybe then my sense of humor will come back. I hope so.
At home... my real one... we would lose power if someone sneezed except this time, Elkridge ha the power and the rental neighborhood didn't. No power, no ice, no nothing but enough sweat to fill an ocean. When we did get out the world smelled of sweat and feet and food rapidly rotting in fridges and freezers.
I really didn't mind the heat as much as I minded the fact that I had to go to bed when the sun went down which meant I was up at the butt crack of dawn still steaming.
These new neighborz, the stepford people, grumbled and mumbled and whined. You would have thought that the power company chose them deliberately and not that 600,000 people were out of power. Carmella Drive became Piss and Moan drive. And guess what world.... pissing and moaning do not do a thing toward getting power back on. And when the power guys and the visiting guys from out of state finally got our power back, did the piss and moan neighborz than the guyz? No, they all ran into their house to turn the AC back on. I trudged up the hill, found a clump of power guys and told them I had one thing to say to them and that is... by this time their heads had somewhat turtled into their shoulders waiting for someone else to yell at them. Only I said that I wanted to thank them all for their effort and I wished I could give them all a glass of cold water only I had no ice. Nor could you find ice. Power guys unturtled, grinned and told me I made their day. Then I went into the house and turned on my air conditioner.
With the heat we told the contractor that we didn't expect him to have his guys work when it was so deadly hot. Apparently his customers usually don't do that. and expect the work to continue come hell or high water. The heat supplied the hell, the sweat the high water. Even with that, we have WALLS!!!! And I have my garden window and suddenly the house that seemed so small without walls doesn't seems quite as small. It is a small house but it is my home and even with the trees and the semi cloudy sky the house was still bright inside. Yah... no paneling... sunlight instead. Now we just need the money so we can buy furniture. I really cannot wait to go home. My home.
When we were looking to buy a house and get out of the town house 30 years ago, we pulled into the drive way of waht was to become our home and before we even got out of the real estate guy's car the Old Poop and I looked at each other and said that we were HOME. There was always a sense of the place wrapping its arms around you. As we walked through the house today I I went in each room, greeted it and told it that I was sorry as to what had happened. the house has felt so sad but I swear it perked up a bit.
We had angels in the house, have I told you? There was a corner in the living room where I had displayed a shrine I had made to our guardian angels in a cigar box ans whenever anyone took a photo in the house, orbs appeared but only in that corner, no where else. The shrine was sacrificed to the fire damage but I will be making a new one to invite the angels back. And yes, the are angel orbs and not ghost orbs or spirit orbs. They feel like angels. Angels that saved us all even if we did lose so much.
Is it any wonder I want to crawl back into those comforting home arms? Time has dragged since February 17th and at times I wonder if we will ever get to the day when our home is our home again.
MAybe then my sense of humor will come back. I hope so.
Monday, July 2, 2012
OK so who curled my hair
Woke up this morning, looked in the mirror, not hard to do because one whole wall in the rental house is mirrored closet doors and found my hair a curly tangled mess. It was the same thing yesterday. I guess when it's hot and I dew (real ladies don't sweat, they dew) copiously my hair
curlz itself.
My hair. For years it didn't seem to grow except for the bang. I would trim the bangs but everything else seemed the status quo. It is now growing and I cannot remember a time when I had so much hair, even tho it hardly reaches my shoulders, and I would like to find the person responsible for those hair clip doobie designs and give them a big fat kiss. Of course, in a pinch I've also used binder clips and toothpicks. All of this hair, for me, makes me too hot especially since we have had no power at the rental house since FRIDAY night and have no idea WHEN we will. I keep going to the BGE (the electric guys) site to check outages and in the rental area those outages are increasing while everywhere else it seems to be decreasing. Figurez.
I must admit that I had a good time watching the neighbors after the storm rushing out with their broom to sweep up leaves and such. No trash other than the stuff that falls off trees or blows through in a storm, no garbage, no random house sitting in the middle of the road waiting for Dorothy to show up.
This has got to be the cleanngest neighborhood I've ever seen. There are neighbors who dust their cars. Others sweep gutters and other others crawl around on their tiny front lawn picking up any stray leaf that dares to invade. First thing in the morning, in a sort of rush as if someone was timing them. I wonder what these people would do if there WAS any real honest to goodness garbage. It was 101 degrees and the guy next door was cleaning his windows!! And the guy across the street showed up with his lawn mower only to realize after trying to start it and scowling at the damned machine even kicking it once before realizing that an electric mower was NO GOOD when the power is OUT!! I waited for him to come out with a pair of scissors to cut the lawn by hand. He didn't.
Then I noticed that little american flags have sprouted beside everyone's steps, with no idea how they got there. When I mentioned it to the old Poop telling him that someone had put out flags for the fourth he asked me what country the flags were for. I told him Romania and walked away. I am certain that there a a fourth of July in Romania just like every other country has a JUly fourth only not in conjunction with Independence day. I wasn't being a smart ass to be mean. I was being a smart ass in an attempt to get this man to hear what I say to him and not what he THINKS I'm saying. The mean part is just the icing.
So that's it from this steaming neck of the woods. Stay cool my friends and send some of it this way.
curlz itself.
My hair. For years it didn't seem to grow except for the bang. I would trim the bangs but everything else seemed the status quo. It is now growing and I cannot remember a time when I had so much hair, even tho it hardly reaches my shoulders, and I would like to find the person responsible for those hair clip doobie designs and give them a big fat kiss. Of course, in a pinch I've also used binder clips and toothpicks. All of this hair, for me, makes me too hot especially since we have had no power at the rental house since FRIDAY night and have no idea WHEN we will. I keep going to the BGE (the electric guys) site to check outages and in the rental area those outages are increasing while everywhere else it seems to be decreasing. Figurez.
I must admit that I had a good time watching the neighbors after the storm rushing out with their broom to sweep up leaves and such. No trash other than the stuff that falls off trees or blows through in a storm, no garbage, no random house sitting in the middle of the road waiting for Dorothy to show up.
This has got to be the cleanngest neighborhood I've ever seen. There are neighbors who dust their cars. Others sweep gutters and other others crawl around on their tiny front lawn picking up any stray leaf that dares to invade. First thing in the morning, in a sort of rush as if someone was timing them. I wonder what these people would do if there WAS any real honest to goodness garbage. It was 101 degrees and the guy next door was cleaning his windows!! And the guy across the street showed up with his lawn mower only to realize after trying to start it and scowling at the damned machine even kicking it once before realizing that an electric mower was NO GOOD when the power is OUT!! I waited for him to come out with a pair of scissors to cut the lawn by hand. He didn't.
Then I noticed that little american flags have sprouted beside everyone's steps, with no idea how they got there. When I mentioned it to the old Poop telling him that someone had put out flags for the fourth he asked me what country the flags were for. I told him Romania and walked away. I am certain that there a a fourth of July in Romania just like every other country has a JUly fourth only not in conjunction with Independence day. I wasn't being a smart ass to be mean. I was being a smart ass in an attempt to get this man to hear what I say to him and not what he THINKS I'm saying. The mean part is just the icing.
So that's it from this steaming neck of the woods. Stay cool my friends and send some of it this way.
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