Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I wonder why...

things that happen to strangers affect me so. I remember reading in a newsletter from Animal rescue about a man who had lost his job and was to become homeless. He made arrangements for his beloved cats to go Animal Rescue and then the man killed himself. I suppose he felt that he had no other options. I can understand that. I've felt that way myself at times so maybe I just empathize with the total hopelessness of it all.

Today Dooce posted about a tweet she received about a man she follows who may be in serious trouble only to have a follow up tweet sometime later stating that this man, too had killed himself. She posted some of his other tweets and my heart bled for the man. If only he had someone who could have taken him into their arms and told him everything might be bleak but he would get through it. Even it if wasn't true and things would never really get better maybe the hope would have given him strength.

For decades we had been in danger of losing our home. I worked full time for years and the husband tutored but we never made enough and I spent those years scared to death of losing the home and having us out on the street. By us, I mean the sons who were little then and depending on their parents for everything. How much easier it would have been if someone, somehwere would have told me that if the worst did happen, we would NOT be homeless, that there was a place for us to go, it would have made things easier for me. I still would have worked but the fear would have been kept somewhat at bay.

This is why I have always told my sons that when they do move out and if something happens and they need to come back home, they are always welcome. Of course, right now I don't have a real home just a rental one but it is a safety net... just in case.

So if anyone out there in blog reader land ever needs a safety net., look no further. I'm here, arms open wide, ready to catch you.

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