Friday, January 28, 2011

Why I shouldn't watch the news...

the beginning of this year has been rather hard on me. ON top of that, I've been suffering through a fibro blizzard unlike any I've ever experienced before. For god's sake my eyebrows hurt.

So I turned on the news to a report about something awful done to a puppy (I won't say what) and the reporter was apologising that he couldn't get a copy of the film to show us. Right, like I want to see it. Just hearing about it and seeing the dog before it died was enough to make me cry even while I was yelling at the screen.

Before I could dissolve int0 a lump of snot and used tissues there's a report about the world's largest polar bear plunge occurring at a beach on the chesapeake Bay. The money goes to the special olympics and the 'bears' run into the icy water once an hour for 24 hours. Ok so they're all nuts but it is for a good cause and everyone seemed up beat but then I spot a trio of men slowly making their way to the water. the ones on the end had their arms about the one in the water so I figured he was a reluctant bear. But I was wrong.

It wasn't until the men were making their slow way out of the water that I saw that the man in the middle had some kind of prostetic in place of his left lane. I burst into tears, not that the one legged man went into the water but that his two buddies went with him and while everyone else who left the water ran to heated tents, these men walked slow and sure while the one in the middle made his way carefully over the sand which tipped him here and there. His buddies steadied him and off they went slow and sure. It's one thing to run yourself into the cold water but how this guy must be loved to have two buddies go into the water with him and match their pace to his. I hope he realises how lucky he is. For he is, one leg and all.

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