Friday, October 8, 2010

This and That or That and This

It's been a week here at the Insane Asylum. Ooops. Did I say that out loud? Ahem, At the Office. Long hours, rushed clients, and tears. Usually mine because it can be damned depressing dealing with people who are losing their home. And then I was worried because Rocco the Wonder Dog was Rocco the Limping dog. But last night he was back to all four feet and i knew he was feeling good because he was barking again at every little sound.. It is his job, you know, to keep us safe from the UPS guy and little kids on their bikes. I wonder what he'd do if he spotted a UPS guy ON a bike. I'm guessing Rocco's head would explode. Then I hear that the major mortgage companies may be freezing foreclosures which could mean the death of our company but we made money this week and I am doing my best to ignore the maybe impending doom.

So the week is nearly over and out clients have left and if I can get Michael to make the calls he has to we may be able to cut out of here early. I always find myself anxious to gt home and squirrel myself away in my crap room. Glitter and glue and feathers and clay and paper always make me feel better.

And speaking of better. I am one of those people who are always in pain. I mean I have a toe that lets me know when a storm is brewing and knees that predict just plain old rain. My thumb aches with on coming snow and a hip that kills me just because it can. I swear my body has a mind of it's own. Otherwise why would my collar bone ache and my eyebrows hurt? So last Saturday we went to the Fells Point Festival and there was a guy selling these magnetic bracelets that were supposed to help with whatever it was that ails you. Now I have never believed in that hoo haw but Michael was suddenly pushing me to spend what I thought was way too much money for magnets stuck together. Sometimes it's just easier to give in, so i did. Yes, I GAVE IN! Out of character, I know, but blame Tim Gunn's book.

So there I was the proud owner of a magnetic bracelet strong enough to stick me to the space shuttle when, by the end of the block at Fell's point the hip that has been hurting for a decade was silenced. Holy mackanolly! No hip pain AND i actually seem to have a bit more energy. My dreams are more vivid and my eyebrows are behaving. It could be that magnets work or it could just be the placebo effect and I think I don't hurt but either way my hip no longer hurts! Oh and I tried going to sleep without the bracelet and the hip pain woke me. Bracelet back on and yowza! Pain gone again.

But the best part is when I lose my keys in the office or they fall out of my hand, the bracelet is always there to grab hold. So what if I set off the walk out of the door alarm at Wal-Mart. Gotta give those greeters something to so.

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