The husband just left the office to fire our public adjusters. Two months after the fire and nothing has been done to start rebuilding. Not certain if he CAN fire them but fingers are crossed.
And now onto other matters.
We are in a rental home of a lovely street. Quiet and friendly like normal streets and not our home neighborhood where the crew hang out across the street sitting on coolers because I guess stealing a chair or tow would require too much effort. Yes, Sharon is thrilled with the neighbors but our home is our home and back we will go... eventually.
The rental home is lovely but stark. Words echo and there are blinds on all windows but not a single curtain to be seen. I'm not about to go out and buy curtains and drapes that I may never need again but I have jazzed up the living room a bit with one of those party streamers that unfolds into a chain of flowers. Yellow flowers that I am using as a swag above the living room by window. I also bought some house plants, planting them in dollar store bowls or 69 cent thrift store containers. A row of slightly scorched, slightly stinky polymer clay people sit on the rim of the splashboard over the kitchen sink. Last night I used poster tack to put some pictures of food on the kitchen walls. I rescued this huge graphic design catalogs that I found at The Book Thing. The catalog has wonderfully thick pages with great images so a decorating I will go. I suppose I could HANG a picture the normal way but I don't want to put any hole in any walls. So tack will do.
More poster tack and pics help decorate the craft room walls, a room I am not comfortable in yet. And I cut what may look like lollipop shapes and stuck them horizontally out of the window frame just because I could. (If i had a camera I'd take a picture)
I'm now looking for fish pictures for the bathroom and which I had my Xyron super duper laminator/magnetor/stickifier thing that got burned up in the fire. I'd laminate the pics and make them last longer. But... we have $20 to our names and no idea when we will make more so I make do with what I have. Maybe if the rental house was jazzier I'd feel more at home, but it has this hotel kind of feel that makes my stomach hurt.
Of course the dogs are trying to help by shedding their hair everywhere and sprinkling all the rooms with a confetti of my bedroom slippers. Sometimes I fear I will never see home again.
But my friends on the Big List have been great sending me notes of support and card which go up on the wall in the craft room. I;ve been getting boxes of goodies too and cannot believe how generous people are.! So generous I may never have to go to a craft store for the rest of my life.
I do try to make the best of it. I really do. I've made the best of things for so long you would think it would be second nature but it isn't. Maybe once I can plant some flowers out front, the dogs would trample anything in the back, and be able to buy some furniture that will be mine forever the rental will start to feel more familiar and not like I have to be totally dressed and not in what passes for my jammies, before I come downstairs. Of course maid service would be nice and I hope you are all proud of me because I am doing much better in keeping the place neat than I ever had at home. I love having a dish washer, hate electric can openers and my fridge is as clean as the day we moved in. Now if I could just teach the dogs to vacuum then they could take care of their own shedding hair! I could knit myself another dog, albeit a small one, if I only knew how to knit.
Thats it from Bodkinzville. I'm interested in seeing what new crises will arise as I'm seeing the repeating numbers and winged things again. As in birds sitting on the front windowsill of the rental home and sitting there watching what's going on inside. Too creepy for words.
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