Monday, January 23, 2012

How long has it been

Since I last wrote? I have no idea. MY head is in a whirl right now, so let's see if I can gather my thoughts and sound, at least, semi-literate.

My New Year's Resolution is not to make a resolution. Why? Because I know that, even while my intentions are good, my follow through stinks. Take the mess in the bedroom with everything topsy turvey because of storing the Christmas presents there. I haven't even unpacked all of my winter clothes yet. At the rate I'm going, I shouldn't even bother because it will be summer again before I know it.

There is a possibility of Josh getting a job at the airport. He's been out of work forever since the carpeting business dried up. It's a state job with benefits and while not glamorous (floors and carpets) it is $15.50 to start. He'll love having money in his pocket again.

Casey left his Shred-It job for an IT job that pay nearly twice what Shred-It did and he's already been given more responsibilties with a chance of a very good promotion. He even has a guy working under him now.

Casey is also looking for his first house to buy, now that he can afford more than $100,000. He's skipped the past couple of weeks looking because he got a tattoo on his calf that led to an infection that led to a swollen leg that led to an MRI that told him there was fluid around the tattoo and would clear up with anti biotics. This is after the infected rash on his stomach and a brown recluse spider bite on the other calf earlier.

The puppies , tho I suppose I can't call them that for much longer, are healthy and full of spit and vinegar. Charlie reminds me of a lion with that same soft pawed walk that male lions adopt as they swagger about being the lord of the pride. Kali is Kali. She loves to run and jump and run and cannot believe he luck in a house with not only people but another dog and a yard and BONES! My how the girl loves her bones.

And me, well, I miss Rooco the Wonder Dog and Little Dog Ollie so much that it hurts to breathe at times. Yes, I love the puppies but they aren't given to cuddles. They are much to busy to listen to my woes or to have a hug or two, though sometimes I can convince Kali to give me a hug. I've never mourned like this before and hope to never again. It's an unending grief that sits heavy upon me.

I still craft tho I can't remember the last time I picked up a rubber stamp. I'm doing glue books now, like an art journal without the journaling part and polymer clay people. I've made enough polymer clay people to populate a small town. I have no idea what I am going to do with them all and always hesitate to give them away for fear that someone will consider it a crap gift and be hurt.

Yes, I know, my self confidence abounds.

I'll be 60 next week. I have no idea how that happened and I'm beginning to suspect that that old lady I see in my mirror is, after all, me! And since I've broken some of my front teeth, I've taken on a hag like appearance which makes me hesitate speaking to anyone for fear that my teeth will show.

I just keep plugging along and maybe if I write more, I'll get used to it more and I won't have to fish for things to say.

Well, that's it from this side of the sand box. I think I need some Oddz Bodkinz in my life.


  1. You should share pictures of your clay people - and who cares if other people think they're crap? What matters is that you enjoy making them!

  2. Just clicked on your blog after reading your message on Gluebots...I would enjoy seeing your clay people too!

  3. my cameras were lost in the fire. I can take pics with my phone only have no clay how to get them out of the phone.
