Friday, September 16, 2011

Our agreement is broken

I've told you before about the Voices in the office. We had an agreement that they would not show themselves to me and I would leave them alone. Well, today they broke that agreement and I saw one.

I was coming up the stairs on the third floor landing and saw a man starting up the set of stairs below me. Wondering who it was since the front door is locked, I looked over the bannister and saw NO ONE. I know I saw that man shape, a shape wearing an odd shaped cap. The closest I can come to describing it is that it is very much like the caps the old old ball players used to wear. I think I even saw stripes on it. it was all out of the corner of my eye and it startled me. Not that it was a voice, mind you, but that someone was on the stairs..

I suppose I can't blame the Voice. Odd things have been ramping up around me lately. Not winged things thankfully but things appearing on my desk in places where I've looked a dozen places before. It's not that I just think I looked in that spot, I know I had looked in that spot. I don't know why this is doing this now but I'll go with the flow. Who knows what this will bring.

Oh and I'm leaving the Voices alone even tho they broke our agreement. If they want to climb these stairs more power to them. I wonder if I could get a piggy back ride on one of those days when my body has decided to torture me.

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