Tuesday, March 29, 2011

So... where's the funny?

Sometimes I think my sense of humor goes on a small vacation, packing its bags and running as fast as its little legs can carry it. Bless its little tiny heart. I wish it would take me with it but it doesn't ask and I hate to push myself on someone or something.

I think funny will be missing from this post, however fact will be taking over.

Life for me seems to be always waiting for something or dreading that something I am looking for. I have little or no patience with that. I want things resolved NOW not later, not tomorrow, now. Otherwise this knot in my stomach will grow even bigger.

We are trying to get a reverse mortgage. All the ducks are in their row and here we sit and wait. A reverse mortgage means we will have NO mortgage payments and I can stop worrying about being homeless and maybe get another dog. I said maybe.

Then I find out we have to be licensed, the office that is. It's a new thing and so I worry will we be apporved. If not we are totally and royally screwed.

Will this foreclosure freeze ever end so we can get more clients.

Will the phone mess be cleared up.

Will i ever FOR GOD"S SAKE stop worrying.

Even worse, I am totally uninspired when it comes to crafting and that makes me want to cry. I still hide out in the craft room because, really, the husband and I spend WAYYYYY too much time together. I haven't even been able to find stuff to poke fun at. I know, never end a sentence with an at.

So... if the great googly moogly out there, fate or the powers that be or whatever you want to call it are listening, PLEASE can we get things moving in the right direction. Because honestly, my head is starting to spin. And the next thing you know I'll be spewing pea soup.

1 comment:

  1. well look at that - I saw your humor show up there at the end! Sending prayers up for it to all work out for you Sharon.
